
2025 Spring SCHEDULE

Youth Group (6th grade and up)
April 9, 23
May 7

High School Group (9-12th)
March 2, 23 (note-skipping 16th, Pastor Jesse is away)
April 6, 27 (note-skipping 20th due to Easter)

April 12 - Game NIGHT! - 5-7pm at church (All ages)
April 27 - Pizza, Prayer, and Praise (SWM Youth Collective event)

MINI-Mission - June 8-10 - Join us for 2 days of service, fun, and great local experiences.

*SWM Youth Collective Events here

YOUTH GROUP (YG) - for students 6th grade and up, usually every other Wednesday, 6:00–8:00pm.
HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT (HSH) - for students in 9-12th grade, usually every other Sunday, 6:00-8:00pm.

All dates are subject to change and other events and activities may pop up, so please read weekly Children, Youth, and Family (CYF) emails for most current information. Or, reach out to Pastor Jesse.

Student ministries

YOUTH GROUP // 6-12 grades / Every other Wednesday, 6:00–8:00pm
This gathering is like a rest in a piece of music. A break from all the sound and energy of “normal life.” Our time together includes games, relaxing, laughter, prayer, Scripture, teaching, discussion, and general camaraderie. We explore our faith more in-depth and allow space for questions to be asked and pondered. The aim of our student ministry is to build Christ-centered community, form faith, and create a space for students to honestly explore questions of identity, belonging, and purpose. The greatest joy is when the way of Jesus becomes compelling and begins taking root in their hearts and lives, when they know who they are in Christ, and are inspired to live in light of that wonder. The Apostle Paul expressed in Ephesians that which we hope for each student: “We keep asking ….that you may know Him better.”

HIGH SCHOOL HANGOUT // 9-12 grades / Every other Sunday, 6:00-8:00pm
High schoolers gather on Sunday evenings for a small group just for them! An informal time intended to give students a place to relax, eat together, connect, and grow in their faith and friendship. Our discussions explore a wide range of important aspects of spirituality and include ample time to wrestle with doubt, to push back, to wonder, and to discuss questions of God, Jesus, faith, seeking to connect this ancient story to our lives, right here, right now!

Please contact Pastor Jesse if you have questions or are in need of prayer or support.

CONFIRMATION // 7-8 grade — Meets Sunday mornings
Confirmation fosters a deep and abiding relationship with God through exploring Scripture, asking hard questions, connecting their journey to the ancient stories, and wondering about how this rich faith matters in their lives today. Students are encouraged to begin, or take an intentional next step on their life-long journey as a followers of Jesus. Students attend each Sunday during the school year for two years, followed by a special Sunday in May when they have the opportunity to stand before the church and confirm their faith at this moment in their journey. (Does not meet during the summer)
