Sunday Mornings

The following is general information regarding our Sunday Mornings and Children’s Ministry. Our greatest hope at HCC is that we might partner with parents; encouraging children to know, love, and follow Jesus. We seek to help guide children from infancy through young adult years in both knowing God and making God known.

Our nursery is staffed by our trained coordinator and assisted by volunteers. It is available Sunday mornings for ages 0-3 for the full duration of the morning worship.


Including students and children in the regular Sunday service is very important to the formation of faith and community. The Sunday Ministries for children are designed to maximize time together with the whole church as well as offer developmentally designed worship and educational experiences. Students therefore join the whole church for the first part of worship and then they are released following the Children’s Word.


Age specific groups are available during school year.

Grow Kids // PreK-K—Basic sacred stories that focus on instilling in each child the truths that God made them and God loves them and the good news of Jesus is as much for them as anyone. By supporting families that desire to grow their children in the Christian faith, we hope to incite wonder, light sparks, and plant seeds in these fertile hearts as they grow on their journey of faith.

Wonder Room // 1st-3rd grades—A special place of worship and wonder where children can come to encounter God, experience the presence of God, and listen to God. It is a place where children come to nurture their spiritual life and their innate sense of God’s Spirit. The approach in the Wonder Room uses hands-on materials, allowing children to hear the biblical narrative while watching it unfold within a context of fellowship and freedom. 

Discover Class // 4th-6th grades—Children beginning to discover just how important they are in the body of Christ. These are critical years as children begin to transition from childhood into adulthood and more fully participate in Sunday corporate worship. On the first Sunday of the month these students remain in worship for the full duration. Discover seeks to foster and deepen the God given gift of discovery and excitement of learning and experiencing God as these kids further form their identity.


During the summer months we offer a “one-room” Sunday School for all kids in Elementary 5 years-5th grade, simply called “Kids Time.” Children 4 years and younger should attend the nursery.

CHILDREN’S Moment—We love children to participate in our morning worship and fellowship. A highlight of the worship service is the Children’s Moment! All children are invited forward to receive a Christ-centered message and blessing, and they often teach us a thing or two!