If you are interested in a sermon or series not listed here, please contact our office.
Epiphany 2024
Advent 2023
Fall 2023
Fall 2023
Summer 2023
Spring 2023
Lent 2023
Advent 2022
Summer 2022 Sermon Series on The Parables of Jesus
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Sunday, May 29, 2022
Spring 2022
Lent 2022
Fall 2021
Tuesday, November 2, 2021.
Lent 2021
This series invites us to lament of some of the ways our world and lives are broken, while also looking at how the Gospel speaks with hope and life and healing power.
Advent & Christmas 2020
Fall 2020
6-week series based on a book titled Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When the Stakes are High.
Based on Micah 6:8, this series looks at the themes of "Doing Justice", "Loving Mercy", and "Walking Humbly with God." Each of these themes are a major part of Scripture and a significant part of what we are called to as followers of Jesus.
Summer 2020
Online and Live-streamed series on the core values that guide the the life of Harbert Community Church.
Spring 2020
An online worship series on the Holy Spirit.
Easter Season 2020
An online worship series for the season of Easter.
2020 Lenten Series
We have a tendency toward trying to be in control, but ultimately our lives are not in our hands. Some might believe in chance or fate, but faith in God is different. Faith is not about certainty, but about giving ourselves to a life beyond what we can see and to the God who is at times beyond our ability to comprehend. Jesus says on several occasions, "those who lose their life for my sake will find it." Strangely enough, and surprisingly, the path to new life in Christ is a path that begins with surrender and letting go.
2020 Winter Sermon Series
A look at the 7 different “I Am” statements of Jesus found in the witness of John’s Gospel. These 7 statements help introduce us to Jesus and his transforming presence in our lives and in our world. If you want to know Jesus, these phrases are a great place to start.
Fall 2019
This sermon series is a part of a 16 week journey through the New Testament encountering Jesus the Messiah through the pages of Scripture
Summer 2019
Lessons from Proverbs:The book of Proverbs is a collection of different teachings and sayings intended to provide guidance for our lives. Through this series you’re invited to consider “the good life”—life to the full.
Spring 2019
What’s our unique heritage at HCC? What will we make of our moment in the present to carry forward the mission and vision of our church for the future? During this series we focus on our role and our calling as stewards of the mission and ministries of our church. As we continue with plans for renovating and maintaining our building, each week we look at a different theme related to who we are as a community of God’s people.
Lent 2019 Series
On one occasion the disciples came to Jesus saying, “Lord, teach us to pray,” Jesus then responded offering a simple template for prayer, known to us today as “the Lord’s Prayer.” During this season of Lent leading up to Easter we look at a different line from the Lord’s Prayer and examining how it informs our understanding of prayer.
Winter 2019 Series
Throughout the four Gospels, we find many signs indicating that Jesus is unlike any other person. He came performing miracles—healing the sick, driving out demons, raising the dead, in addition to other acts of power over creation. All told, the Gospels record at least 37 detailed miracles of Jesus, but in John’s Gospel we read that these works are just a fraction of all that he performed and that “the whole world would not have room for all the books that could be written” (John 21:25). Each week, during the season known as Epiphany (which means “manifestation” or “appearance”) we look at a different miracle of Jesus and how these signs point to the significance of his coming.
A popular sermon from the 2017 fall series, Questions Seekers Ask
A sermon from the 2017 summer series, Remember: Psalms of God’s Faithfulness
A Celebration of the Life and Resurrection of Ronald L. Magnuson. Saturday, February 18, 2018