
Prayer Ministry

Emails: Click here to subscribe to our weekly prayer emails: Subscribe HCC is committed to praying daily for the requests of the congregation, and the concerns and needs of the world. On Sunday morning, members of the prayer ministry team are available to pray with individuals after the worship service. There are opportunities for people to learn more about how to pray, and to grow in their personal praying through seasonal prayer vigils, the Women’s Prayer Group on Tuesday mornings, and special prayer focused studies or small groups. Prayer requests may be written on the insert in the Sunday Worship Bulletin, or by contacting the office.

Member Care

Care Team: Everyone connected to HCC is cared for, and added to a care-list that is regularly prayed over. Once a month delicious soups and treats are made in the kitchen, then stocked in the freezer for anyone—health recovery, new baby, grieving, needing a hand, etc. Cards and notes of encouragement are sent to people in the midst of health issues and grief, or to those celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or a graduation.

HELP & PASTORAL EMERGENCIES: If you need help and pastoral support, please call 269-426-4321 and follow the prompts.