Thank you for your willingness to serve as a Greeter; you are often the first impression of Harbert Community Church when people walk in the door.  We ask that you prayerfully remember that through your greeting, those coming to HCC will feel welcome and that this is their church home. 

 Some things to remember regarding greeting.

·        Wear name badges identifying you as a greeter. 

·        Arrive and be ready to start greeting at least 25 - 30 minutes prior to the start of the service.

·        Recognizing that some may arrive after the service starts (especially newcomers), please stay at the door until the praise songs are over.

·        You may stand inside or outside, whatever works for you and recognizing that the weather is also a factor in this.

·        If you notice a family with children that is unfamiliar to you (newcomers) please share the Children’s Ministry brochure with them so they know what to expect during worship and class time for children. The brochure is located on the black nametag table and the greeters will also be watching for newcomer families.

·        Please encourage people to wear nametags.

·        Be available and alert to help those that may need some additional care. An extra pair of hands can be a huge help and a wonderful way to start the morning at HCC.  Watch for those that need help getting in/out of their cars, those with children or other possible situations. 

·        Make yourself familiar with the location of the nursery, restrooms and how children are handled during the service.  Some may think there is children’s church where children attend during the entire service – in comparison to our Children’s Ministry time. Always be aware that some may be walking through our doors for the first time and are not familiar with the “lay of the land”.  Your help would be appreciated!

·        Be cheerful, offer your hand for a handshake or a warm pat on the back.  Recognize that some may not feel comfortable with shaking hands – especially during the winter months.  A welcoming smile may be all that is needed for some.

·        If you are greeting for multiple weeks in a row, you will begin to know people from week to week.  On the flip side, those arriving will begin to see a familiar face (yours!) as they enter the door.  Take a moment to reach out to some that are possible visitors during or after the service.  You may be the only person in the congregation that they feel they know; all because you offered a pleasant hello when they arrived!

·        After the service, return to the doors and continue to extend hospitality and connect with people as they exit.

·        If you find that you cannot make it for a week, please contact David Marsh to set up a replacement.

 Again, thank you for your service.  You are making a difference to Harbert Community Church and God’s Kingdom.  We appreciate you and what you are offering to our church!

 David Marsh and the Worship and the Arts Team.