Sunday, DECEMBER 5, 2021

Hymn #177 verses 1-3: Sing We Now of Christmas 

Call to Worship
Pastor Jay Fast 

Here I Am to Worship 

Opening Prayer & The Lord’s Prayer
Pastor Jay Fast 

Lighting of the 2nd Advent Candle
The Ruble Family
Response: Hymn #183: Emmanuel, Emmanuel 

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:68-79
Dana Davis 

Children’s Word
Pastor Jesse Bolinder 

Choir Anthem: Night of the Father’s Love Begotten 

Message: “Descend to Us We Pray”
Pastor Jay Fast

O Little Town of Bethlehem 

The Lord’s Supper 

Hymn #173-Good Christians All, Rejoice 

Prayers of God’s People
Ron Ahrens 

Announcements & Benediction
Pastor Jay Fast