EASTER SUNDAY, April 12, 2020
Call to Worship: Prepare your candle, your Bible (or Bibles for family members), cup of coffee or tea.
Helpful Tips:
If Experiencing This Alone
You may want to journal as some of have found this helpful. You can also call a friend and go through the experience together or you can journal and share your reflections afterwards.
If with Family & Kids
You may want to try and include even young children in the experience. Click here for some suggestions of how to engage your kids before you begin.
Older children and teens can participate and help lead by being asked to lead the prayers, or read scripture or discussion questions. Be sure to let your kids speak and allow for silence after questions as it might take some time for them to ponder.
Easter celebration
Light Candle (Remember that you are joining with other believers in the presence of God's Spirit.)
Opening Prayer (If with others, you might read this aloud in unison.)
Holy, holy, holy,
GOD of power and might.
Heaven and earth are filled with Your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.
Opening Song: Hear the Bells Ringing (with a reading from Matthew 28:1-10 and images of submitted art work)
Thank you to everyone who participated!
Kids Greeting and Introduction to the Theme from Pastor Jesse
Praise and Worship Songs (Jesse Bolinder, Jill Garcia, Carrie VanDenburgh)
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today, In Christ Alone
Scripture Reading (Follow along in your Bibles as Rev. Carol Nordstrom reads our text)
Acts 10:34-43
Questions for personal reflection or discussion
What's your favorite thing about Easter?
Where do you see beauty these days? New Life? Goodness?
What is something Jesus' life and love is rising up in your life?
In Acts 10, Peter tells others about what Jesus did for all people. How would you describe what Jesus did if you were telling others like Peter did?
Does the message of Easter help you in this time of pandemic and quarantine?
How does the resurrection of Jesus impact your life?
How would you complete this phrase, “Because he lives….”
Pastor’s Devotional Thought
Email Pastor Jay: jaysfast@gmail.com
Special Music: All Creatures of Our God and King (Played by Mike Perkins)
Prayers (Read and pause for prayer after each bullet point)
Consider the blessings of the moment speaking these blessings out loud as they come to mind.
Consider the concerns you are experiencing. Speak these out loud.
Think of your family, loved ones, neighbors, and friends, praying out loud for those who come to mind.
If you would like to share a prayer concern with our church in the weekly prayer email, click here.
As is a Harbert Community Church Easter tradition, everyone is invited to listen and sing along to The Hallelujah Chorus.
If you experienced God’s grace this morning, feel free to share with a friend, or if you want to share this or a prayer request with our church, click here.
How to Give Financially
If you are able to give of yourself financially, we appreciate your partnership and support. For the special 2020 Easter Offering, if you are using the church giving envelopes, you can use the envelope marked for the Easter Offering, which is being designated this year for Helping Hands and Neighbor by Neighbor. You can give online here or mail checks during the week using our post office box: Harbert Community Church, P.O. Box 197, Harbert MI 49115. If you would like to designate a specific gift to Neighbor by Neighbor or our Helping Hands Fund, please note this with your donation.