Regular events

  • Retreats at Portage Lake Camp

  • Summer Camp at Portage Lake Camp

  • UNITE - A triennial high school student conference and worship experience that inspires deeper faith and evokes greater passion for Jesus, and uniting all to be a light in the world.

  • Day Camp - Each summer, our community hosts a day camp for children through 5th grade.

  • Trips - Throughout the year there are a variety of experiences including mission or adventure trips intended to be fun and build community. The best way to find out about student trips is to contact Pastor Jesse and join our email list.


For Children and Families - We offer other special events throughout the year aimed at  helping children and families engage with God and others outside of Sunday mornings that might include things like potlucks, winter tubing, skating, parties, craft nights. If you are interested in helping plan these events, contact the church, and we can get you connected with the team.

For Youth Group - The Youth Ministry offers a mix of other events that seek to bring kids together for fellowship and fun, as well as events that are more centered on exploring our faith through the worship and study. This mix may include everything from Friday Night Fun Nights at church, service projects, just going out for pizza or ice cream, paintball, retreats, small groups, or mission trips. You get the idea.

To make sure you hear about all the activities and events, please subscribe to our emailing list. Contact Pastor Jesse if you want to receive emails and he will add you to a list that is specifically for parents and families. Email JesseBolinder(at)gmail.com. This list receives an email almost every Tuesday with what’s coming up, reminders, and more.